Have your say - Centennial Parklands and Callan Park regulation

Greater Sydney Parklands is updating the park regulation for Centennial Parklands (including Moore Park and Queens Park) and Callan Park to bring it in line with best practice park management.

Two young children and an older male carer throw an orange ball under a fig tree.

We invite you to share your thoughts on the proposed park regulation updates for Centennial Parklands (including Moore Park and Queens Park) and Callan Park, to bring it in line with best practice park management and guide safe and equitable use of these iconic urban parks.

The Centennial Park and Moore Park Trust Regulation 2014 currently applies to both parks and will be replaced with the updated regulation on 1 September 2024.    

Consultation will be open until 11:59pm, Wednesday 24 July 2024. 

What is park regulation?

Park regulation is designed to support the safety and enjoyment of all park visitors by guiding them on how they can use the parks and what behaviour is expected. 

Regulation is a legislated requirement of the Parklands Acts and helps to educate the community to curb unauthorised or anti-social behaviour. 

Regulation guides a range of activities and uses such as traffic management and parking, events and commercial activities, noise, waste disposal, alcohol-free zones, horse riding and animal management, camping, protection of park assets including flora and fauna, cycling and other recreational activities. 

While some site-specific regulation is required to respond to the differences between each park and their uses, we are looking to create more consistent regulation across Greater Sydney Parklands’ estate. This will make sure millions of annual visitors have a better understanding of the regulation, leading to an improved visitor experience. 

The proposed updated regulation aims to reflects evolving community needs and desires regarding activation, care and management of Sydney’s valuable park assets, including the protection of natural and cultural heritage.   

How to have your say

Share your thoughts on the proposed regulation until 11:59pm on Wednesday 24 July 2024 on the NSW Planning Portal. 

We value your participation and look forward to your feedback. 

We will communicate the updated regulation when it comes into effect on 1 September 2024. 

Frequently asked questions

What is the Centennial Park and Moore Park Trust (CPMPT) Regulation?

Centennial Parklands (including Moore Park and Queens Park) and Callan Park have regulation to ensure the safe and equitable use and sharing of facilities for all park users.

The Centennial Park and Moore Park Trust Regulation 2014 is enforceable by law until September 2024, when the updated park regulation will come into effect.

Community feedback will help inform the updates to our park regulation.

Why are we updating the park regulation?

Greater Sydney Parklands is required by law to update the Centennial Park and Moore Park Trust Regulation 2014 by September 2024.

We update the regulation on a regular basis to:

  • keep it current
  • ensure the continued safety of our park users
  • ensure compliance with government regulation
  • assist with enforcement of regulation and prevent unauthorised and anti-social behaviour
  • ensure we meet community needs and expectations for protecting our park assets, including natural and cultural heritage.

Greater Sydney Parklands aims to have consistent regulation across all the parks we manage to bring them in line with best practice park management and ensure safe and equitable use and sharing of the parks.

More consistent regulation will make sure millions of people who visit our parklands each year understand how they can use the parks and what behaviours are expected, leading to a better visitor experience. 

Why is it 10 years since Centennial Parklands' regulation was updated?

Updated regulation for Centennial Parklands was drafted in 2020, however during that time Greater Sydney Parklands was created, incorporating Callan Park into Centennial Park and Moore Park Trust (CPMPT). Therefore, the regulation update was delayed so that Callan Park could be brought in line with the Centennial Park and Moore Park Trust Act 1983.

The draft regulation will be open for community consultation between 3 July 2024 to 24 July 2024 (21 days), with updated regulation to be legislated by 1 September 2024.

Why does Centennial Parklands regulation apply to Callan Park?

Greater Sydney Parklands was created in 2022, at which time the ownership of Callan Park was transferred to Centennial Park and Moore Park Trust (CPMPT), under Greater Sydney Parklands management.

Therefore, the CPMPT regulation applies to Callan Park and will be updated for consistency across the 5 urban parks that Greater Sydney Parklands manages. The updated regulation will include some changes to reflect the unique characteristics and uses of each park. For example, Callan Park is located on Iron Cove, a tributary of Parramatta River, so regulation around boating and mooring of boats is required.

Why are you updating the Callan Park regulation ahead of the Callan Park Plan of Management?

Greater Sydney Parklands is required by law to update the Centennial Park and Moore Park Trust (CPMPT) Regulation 2014 by 1 September 2024. Future updates can be made to the regulation responding to the Callan Park Plan of Management once it is approved by the Minister for Planning and Public Spaces.

Why are you consulting the community on changes to park regulation?

Greater Sydney Parklands is seeking your feedback on proposed updates to the Centennial Parklands (including Moore Park and Queens Park) and Callan Park regulation to ensure it reflects current community needs and expectations. It is a legal requirement for the draft regulation to be exhibited for community feedback for 21 days.

The regulation has been updated to be consistent across all parks that Greater Sydney Parklands manages (Callan Park, Centennial Parklands including Moore Park and Queens Park, Fernhill Estate, Parramatta Park and Western Sydney Parklands) with some rules reflecting the unique characteristics and uses in each park.  

Updates to the regulation will ensure:  

  • park regulations are in line with best practice park management  
  • continued safety of park visitors
  • compliance with government regulation  
  • equitable use and sharing of the park
  • enforcement of regulation is consistent across the Greater Sydney Parklands estate
  • protection for park assets including natural and cultural heritage  
  • prevention of unauthorised or anti-social behaviour.

Once the consultation period closes, we will review feedback received, respond to submissions and prepare a report on the outcomes of the consultation.

Greater Sydney Parklands will ensure the updated regulation is communicated when it comes into effect on 1 September 2024.

Will an update to park regulation change how we currently use the park?

Park regulation enables a range of uses and activities to be conducted in our parks, ensuring safe and equitable use and sharing of the space, while protecting our park assets including natural and cultural heritage.  

The park regulation is being updated to align with best practice park management to ensure a consistent application across the 5 urban parks managed by Greater Sydney Parklands. Some rules are required to reflect the unique characteristics and uses of each park. For example, Callan Park is located on Iron Cove, a tributary of Parramatta River, so regulation around boating and mooring of boats is required. 

Will updated regulation change the Companion Animals Management Plan (CAMP) for Callan Park?

There will be no change to the Companion Animals Management Plan for Callan Park.