Greater Sydney Parklands Trust Board

Michael Rose AM (Chair)

Michael Rose is an independent director who serves on the boards of several organisations involved in urban infrastructure, urban policy and place making. He is the Chair of Northwest Rapid Transit (NRT Group), Chair of the Committee for Sydney and a director of the Sydney Harbour Trust.

Michael also sits on the advisory board of the Faculty of Design, Architecture and Building at UTS and the board of the Westmead Institute for Medical Research. He has served on the boards of a number of other government, arts and not-for-profit organisations.

Michael is a lawyer by background and the former Chief Executive Partner of one of Australia’s leading law firms. He has a senior advisory role at UNSW and is a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

Michael has been actively engaged in policy issues involving Indigenous communities and Indigenous rights, employment, education and reconciliation. In 2016, he served as a member of the Referendum Council on Constitutional Recognition. In the same year, he was appointed a Member of the Order of Australia for services to Indigenous communities and the legal profession.

Michael Rose AM (Chair)

Ceinwen Kirk-Lennox

Ceinwen Kirk-Lennox is a land economist with over 38 years’ experience across many aspects of property including agency, development, project and operations management, community development and engagement, place making, general management and funds management.

Ceinwen is known for her passion for driving change in often ambiguous environments, having led placemaking and place management in mixed-use renewal and greenfield projects and communities throughout her career.

Ceinwen has served on boards for both for-profit and not-for-profit companies for more than two decades. Her executive career includes 26 years at Lendlease Corporation, where she held executive roles running commercial business units, client accounts and functions across the Lendlease Group.

Ceinwen has fulfilled executive director and advisory roles in the public sector, becoming an assurance reviewer for major projects within Infrastructure NSW and is currently a director at Charter Hall Long Wale REIT.

Ceinwen Kirk-Lennox

Kaylie Salvatori

Kaylie Salvatori is the co-founder and a Director of COLA Studio. Kaylie is a Yuin woman, landscape architect and Indigenous design strategist. Kaylie works within parkland, community and commercial projects, specialising in cultural placemaking and ecologically sensitive design.

In her role as Director of COLA Studio, Kaylie is responsible for strategic business direction, procurement and contract management, industry representation and advocacy, concept ideation and storytelling, landscape architecture, cultural research and strategic design, art curation and speculative design.

Prior to her work at COLA, Kaylie held the position of Senior Landscape Architect and Indigenous Design Strategist at Arcadia Landscape Architecture, as well as providing sessional teaching at UNSW.

Kaylie Salvatori

Sharon Veale

A public historian and urban planner by background, Sharon Veale is CEO, Director and Partner of GML Heritage, a leading heritage consultancy. She has worked in public and private sector cultural heritage planning, management and conservation in a career spanning more than 25 years.

At GML, she directed a portfolio of significant projects across First Nations history and heritage, community engagement, historic cultural landscapes and spaces, urban planning studies, strategies and masterplans, and interpretation planning for World, National, State and local places within Australia and overseas.

Sharon is a sessional lecturer at UNSW and regularly contributes to research and public conversations around the importance of recognising our history and heritage as a vital ingredient in the experience of everyday life in Australia.

She is currently on the Board of Ausheritage, and has held previous government board positions with the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Advisory Council and the Sydney Living Museums Board of Trustees.

Sharon Veale

Siobhan Toohill

Siobhan Toohill is the Chief Sustainability Officer at Westpac. She leads sustainability strategy, policy development and reporting with a particular focus on the environmental, social and governance fundamentals of climate change, human rights and natural capital. She also leads programs linked to the Westpac’s commitment to long-term social value, including Indigenous engagement and Westpac’s Safer Children, Safer Communities initiative.

Having led corporate sustainability functions since 2004, Siobhan is passionate about the capacity of business to create positive impact, building on her early career in urban design and policy.

Siobhan contributes through a wide range of external governance roles including as non-executive director of the Newtown Neighbourhood Centre, and UN Environment Programme Finance Initiative's (UNEP FI) Banking Board which oversees the UN's Principles for Responsible Banking.

Siobhan Toohill

Joshua French, Chief Executive Greater Sydney Parklands

Joshua is a horticulturalist and landscape architect with more than 20 years’ experience in roles focusing on urban and landscape design, strategic planning, heritage management, open space and parkland governance, green and blue infrastructure, transport, tourism and project delivery.

Joshua has spent his life embedded in the diverse landscapes of Greater Sydney and the Blue Mountains, in both the public and private sectors. He has a passion for design excellence, stakeholder and community engagement and the creation of great public places and parklands for the community. He is a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Landscape Architects.

Joshua French, Chief Executive Greater Sydney Parklands

Greater Sydney Parklands Trust Board meetings

In 2025, the Greater Sydney Parklands Trust Board will meet on the following dates: 

  • 28 February 2025
  • 23 April 2025 
  • 29 July 2025
  • 4 September 2025
  • 17 October 2025
  • 11 December 2025

Matters discussed

Thursday 5 December 2024
Chief Executive's Update

Chief Executive’s report on management, operations, and current issues.

Discussed and noted.
Property Policies and GuidelinesDiscussed, reviewed and approved property policies and guidelines.  Discussed, noted and approved.
Value of GSP parksDiscussed report, project scope and overview.Discussed and noted.
Financial Sustainability ReportStatus report on this work and discussion of refined scope and internal workshops.Discussed and noted.
Community Engagement ReportUpdate on recent community engagement and consultation including upcoming recruitment for CTBs.
Discussed and noted.
Corporate Plan - Strategic Priorities UpdateUpdated draft 2025 - 2028 strategic priorities. . Discussed and noted.  
GSP Act Review Submission 
 Discussed draft submission and provided feedback on content and strategy.
Discussed, noted.
Entertainment Quarter Moore Park

Received update on the anticipated tender process.

Received an update on EQ Placemaking Framework. 

Discussed and noted.
Media CoverageSummary of recent Greater Sydney Parklands media coverage.Discussed and noted.
Commercial Leasing Status UpdateStatus update on commercial operations and leases (Commercial in Confidence).Discussed and noted.
WHS ReportReport outlining WHS issues and actions across GSP.
Discussed and noted.
RAP UpdateReceived an update on status.Discussed and noted.
Thursday 17 October 2024
Chief Executive's Update

Chief Executive’s report on management, operations, and current issues.

  • Update on GSP Act review.

  • Government (DEIT) proposals for an open tender process for the Entertainment Quarter at Moore Park.

  • Remaking of CMP and CP regulations.

  • Review of leasing policies.

Discussed and noted.
Financial Sustainability- Value of GSP parksDiscussed report, project scope and overview.Discussed and noted.
Financial Sustainability ReportDiscussed and noted financial statements and management representation letters for FY2024Approved.
Community Engagement Report

Received an update on recent community engagement, consultation.

Discussed upcoming recruitment of CTBs and discussed First Nations representation. 

Discussed engagement of CTBs in the GSP Act review.


Discussed and noted.
Corporate Plan - Strategic Priorities UpdateDiscussed and noted draft 2025 - 2028 strategic priorities. . Discussed and noted.  
Annual Reports

 Discussed and noted draft annual reports for WSPT, PPT and CPMPT.

Approved co-signing of letters.

Discussed, noted and approved.
M7 to M12 Shared Path Tender AwardNoted and discussed Tender Evaluation Team recommendation.Approved.
Callan Park Plan of Management

Received an update on feedback from preliminary consultation. 

Discussed draft vision and draft strategic directions. 

Noted input from the CP CTB.

Discussed and noted.
Media CoverageSummary of recent Greater Sydney Parklands media coverage.Discussed and noted.
Commercial Leasing Status UpdateStatus update on commercial operations and leases (Commercial in Confidence).Discussed and noted.
WHS ReportReport outlining WHS issues and actions across GSP.
Discussed and noted.
RAP UpdateNoted update on status.Discussed and noted.
Thursday 5 September 2024
Chief Executive's Update

Chief Executive’s report on management, operations, and current issues.

Discussed and noted.
Public Interest DisclosureBoard training/information session concerning obligations.Discussed and noted the PID Act obligations of GSP and of individual board members. 
Financial Sustainability Report/FY2025 Budget

Noted financial overview and results.

Approved FY2025 budget.

Discussed, noted and approved.
Community Engagement Report

Received an update on recent community engagement, consultation.

Noted, discussed and agreed to proposal for improvements to the structure, membership, meetings and workstreams of CTBs.  

Discussed urban farming activities at Western Sydney Parklands, including suggestions from CTB.


Discussed and noted.
Report to Board on ARCC’s activities in 2023/24Report providing overview of work completed by Audit, Risk and Compliance Committee. . Discussed and noted.  
GSP Board / ARCC Appointments

 Noted status update on Ministerial appointments to Board.

Moved and approved ARCC reappointments.

Discussed, noted and approved.
Moore Park SouthNoted update on status with What we Heard Report and next steps.Discussed and noted.
Tender Evaluation: Maintenance of High-Performance Sports Fields at Moore ParkNoted and discussed Tender Evaluation Team recommendation. Approved. 
Media CoverageSummary of recent Greater Sydney Parklands media coverage.Discussed and noted.
Commercial Leasing Status UpdateStatus update on commercial operations and leases (Commercial in Confidence).Discussed and noted.
WHS Report

Prior to Board Meeting the Board undertook a safety inspection and briefing, looking at several sites within Callan Park.

Report outlining WHS issues and actions across GSP.

Discussed and noted
RAP UpdateNoted update on current status.Discussed and noted.
Thursday 25 July 2024
Chief Executive's Update

Chief Executive’s report on management, operations, and current issues.

Discussed and noted.
Financial Sustainability ReportNoted financial overview and FY24 results.Discussed and noted.
Community Engagement Report

Received an update on recent community engagement, consultation.

Discussed Community Trustee Board (CTB) reports and flow of information between GSP and CTB’s.

Discussed CTB survey feedback and areas for improvement and further engagement.

Discussed the engagement of CTB in the legislative review process required by the GSP Act.

Noted next round of CTB agendas are being finalised with Michael Rose to provide overview on GSP financial sustainability.

Discussed and noted.
Amenity Trees TenderReceived an overview and summary of current status and recommendation. Discussed and approved Tender Evaluation Team recommendation. 
Property Management Contract

Noted status update.

Noted and discussed proposed property management contract procurement strategy.

Discussed and approved strategy.
Fernhill Estate Look AheadNoted overview of current status and options.   Discussed and noted to be discussed further at a future board meeting.  Noted that continued engagement with the Fernhill CTB and other stakeholders.  
Moore Park SouthNoted update on current status with What We Heard Report scheduled to be released end September.Discussed and noted.
Media CoverageSummary of recent Greater Sydney Parklands media coverage.Discussed and noted.
Commercial Leasing Status UpdateStatus update on commercial operations and leases (Commercial in Confidence).Discussed and noted.
WHS ReportReport outlining WHS compliance, incidents and actions across Greater Sydney Parklands.Discussed and noted
RAP UpdateNoted update on current status.Discussed and noted.
Thursday 6 June 2024
Chief Executive's Update

Chief Executive’s report on management, operations, and current issues.

Discussed and noted.
Financial Sustainability ReportNoted financial overview and FY24 results.Discussed and noted.
Community Engagement Report

Received an update on recent community engagement and consultation.

Discussed community trustee boards (CTB) reports and flow of information between Greater Sydney Parklands and CTBs. 

Discussed CTB workshop on Fernhill Estate.

Discussed Centennial Parklands Foundation (CPF) board meeting and communication with CPF board.

Discussed and noted.
Climate Adaptation Strategy

Noted update on Climate Adaptation Strategy.

Endorsed Climate Change Adaptation Action Plan.

Discussed and noted.
Western Parklands Maintenance Contract Tender

Noted status update.

Noted requirement for Board approval when process is finalised.

Discussed and noted.
Moore Park GolfNoted update on progress and Strategic Business Case. Discussed and noted.
Landscape and Facilities Maintenance, Ranger and Security ServicesNoted update and approved strategy to move towards contract consolidation and consistency.Discussed and approved.
Media CoverageSummary of recent Greater Sydney Parklands media coverage.Discussed and noted.
Commercial Leasing Status UpdateStatus update on commercial operations and leases (Commercial in Confidence).Discussed and noted.
WHS ReportReport outlining WHS issues and actions across Greater Sydney Parklands.Discussed and noted.
Wednesday 24 April 2024
Chief Executive's Report

Chief Executive’s report on management, operations, and current issues including 2024 planning.

Discussed and noted.
Financial Sustainability WorkshopConsidered options for long-term sustainable funding of Greater Sydney Parklands operations.Discussed and noted.
Community Engagement Report

Received an update on recent community engagement and consultation.

Discussed community trustee boards' (CTBs) reports and flow of information between Greater Sydney Parklands and CTBs. 

Discussed and noted.
Financial Sustainability Report

Noted overview of FY24 early-close highlights and combined results, including an update on comprehensive income.

Discussed and noted.
Greater Sydney Parklands Estate ExpansionDiscussed estate expansion reviews required by the Greater Sydney Parklands Trust Act 2022 and further expansion considerations.Discussed and noted.
Moore Park SouthReceived an update on Moore Park South public consultation.Discussed and noted.
Callan Park Plan of ManagementReceived a presentation on development of the Callan Park Plan of Management.Discussed and noted.
Media CoverageSummary of recent Greater Sydney Parklands media coverage.Discussed and noted.
Commercial Leasing Status UpdateStatus update on commercial operations and leases (Commercial in Confidence).Discussed and noted.
WHS ReportReport outlining WHS issues and actions across Greater Sydney Parklands.Discussed and noted.
Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP)Update on Greater Sydney Parklands RAP framework and completion of RAP actions.Discussed and noted.
Thursday 15 February 2024
Chief Executive's Report and 2024 look ahead

CE’s report on management, operations, and current issues including 2024 planning.

Discussed and noted.
Workplace Health and Safety - Due Diligence Framework RefresherDiscussion of board and executive WHS duties and responsibilities and Due Diligence Framework Refresher session led by Katherine Norris of Norton Rose Fullbright.Reviewed, discussed and noted.
Community Engagement and Marketing Report

Received an update on recent community engagement, consultation and marketing including 2024 lookahead.

Noted launch of GSP website and completion of Year in Review Report.

Discussed and noted update on community trustee board’s (CTB’s) and identified issues to be discussed  with CTB’s.

Noted recent meetings / discussions with Centennial Parklands Foundation and further engagement to be undertaken.

Discussed and noted.
Financial Sustainability Report

Review of report providing an overview of GSP financial performance, highlights, challenges, and financial sustainability initiatives.

Discussed and noted.
GSP Estate ExpansionDiscussed ongoing evaluation work in connection with potential GSP Estate Expansion. Also discussed long-term sustainability/funding requirements in the event of expansion.Discussed and noted.
Eastern Creek SpeedwayNoted update on current Speedway issues.Discussed and noted.
Bushland Management ContractsNoted and agreed to endorse procurement methodology.Discussed and approved.
Moore Park Golf Discussion Paper and Consultation

Discussed the Discussion Paper provided in the Board papers and approved for public release.

Noted proposed engagement program and recent consultation on draft Discussion Paper with the Centennial Park and Moore Park community trustee board.

Discussed and approved.
Media CoverageSummary of recent GSP media coverage.Noted.
Commercial Leasing Status UpdateStatus update on commercial operations and leases (Commercial in Confidence).Noted.
Reconciliation Action PlanUpdate on GSP RAP framework and completion of RAP actions.Noted.
WHS ReportDiscussed and noted report outlining WHS issues and actions across GSP.Noted.
Thursday 14 December 2023
Chief Executive’s Report and Corporate Plan Update  CE’s report on management, operations, and current issues. Noted revised version of GSP Corporate Plan incorporating updated Strategic Priorities and Operating Principles.Discussed and noted.
Community Engagement ReportReceived an update on recent community engagement and consultation. Discussed each community trustee board meeting’s key items and actions and reviewed / discussed each meeting summary. Further noted and discussed issues raised at each CTB meeting. Based on feedback from CTB’s the all in meeting planned for February 2024 will not go ahead and individual CTB meetings will be arranged.Discussed and noted.
Financial Sustainability Report + Financial Statements

Review of report providing an overview of GSP financial performance, highlights, challenges, and financial sustainability initiatives.


Noted final versions of Financial Statements.

Discussed and noted.
Climate Adaptation StrategyNoted and discussed the draft GSP Climate Adaptation Strategy and Risk Register.Discussed and noted.
Western Landscape Contract Sourcing Strategy

Noted and discussed the Greater Sydney Parklands landscape contracts and specifications review final report.


Endorsed the proposed procurement approach.

Discussed and endorsed approach.
Moore Park Golf Discussion PaperNoted and discussed draft Discussion Paper and recommended additional text to be included on GSP Consultation and Engagement Framework, existing site considerations, and financial sustainability.Discussed and noted.
Centennial Parklands Community Consultative CommitteeRecommendation to appoint the members of the Centennial Park and Moore Park community trustee board as members of the Centennial Park and Moore Park Community Consultative Committee.Discussed and approved.
Media CoverageSummary of recent GSP media coverage.Noted.
Commercial Leasing Status UpdateStatus update on commercial operations and leases (Commercial in Confidence).Noted.
WHS ReportDiscussed and noted report outlining WHS issues and actions across GSP.Noted.
Reconciliation Action PlanUpdate on GSP RAP framework and completion of RAP Actions.Noted.
Annual ReportsFinal versions of Annual Reports provided in Board papersNoted.
Monday 6 November 2023
Chief Executive’s ReportCE’s report on management, operations and current issues.Discussed and noted.
Financial Sustainability ReportReview of report providing an overview of GSP financial performance, highlights, challenges, and financial sustainability initiatives.Discussed and noted.
Financial Statements UpdateUpdate on current status of Draft Financial Statements for Parramatta Park Trust, Western Sydney Parklands Trust and Centennial Park and Moore Park Trust.Discussed and noted.
Draft Annual ReportsUpdate on current status of Draft Annual Reports for Parramatta Park Trust, Western Sydney Parklands Trust and Centennial Park and Moore Park Trust.Discussed and noted.
Moore Park GolfReceived an update on the recent NSW government announcement to transform part of Moore Park Golf Course into a new parkland.  Discussed proposed meetings with City of Sydney and CPMPT CTB and necessary discussions with both our Minister and the Premier’s Office.Discussed and noted.
Media CoverageSummary of recent GSP media coverage.Noted.
Commercial Leasing Status UpdateStatus update on commercial operations and leases (Commercial in Confidence).Noted.
WHS ReportDiscussed and noted report outlining WHS issues and actions across GSP.Discussed and noted.
Reconciliation Action PlanSummary of actions to date.Discussed and noted.
Corporate Plan / 5 Year PlansDiscussed and noted.Discussed and noted.
2024 Board / ARCC Meetings ScheduleDiscussed and noted.Discussed and noted.
Thursday 7 September 2023
Site visit and Safety Observation/BriefingThe board visited the Parramatta Aquatic Centre at Mays Hill in Parramatta Park and Wistaria Gardens and received a Safety briefing on bushfire preparedness for the parklands estate, focussed on Western Sydney.Discussed.
Chief Executive’s ReportCE’s report on management, operations and current issues.Discussed and noted.
GSP Estate ExpansionReceived a presentation on GSP Estate Expansion and discussed Stage 2 Assessments, Gateway Transfer Assessments and funding model that will sustainably fund estate expansion.Discussed and noted.
Community Engagement Report

Received an update on recent community engagement and consultation.

Discussed each community trustee board meeting’s key items and actions and reviewed / discussed each meeting summary. Further noted and discussed issues raised at each CTB meeting.

Discussed and noted.
Financial Sustainability ReportReview of report providing an overview of GSP financial performance, highlights, challenges, and financial sustainability initiatives.Discussed and noted.
WHS ReportDiscussed and noted report outlining WHS issues and actions across GSP.Discussed and noted.
September in Wistaria GardensUpdate on upcoming event in Wistaria Gardens.Noted.
Thursday 20 July 2023
Overview of Crown Lands and Public Spaces Group

Introduction to Melanie Hawyes, Deputy Secretary of Crown Lands & Public Spaces Group (Department of Planning and Environment).

Discussed perspectives and opportunities regarding new portfolio, which includes GSP, including First Nations progressive work within Crown Lands, synergies and innovation that can be shared between different groups within DPE.

Discussed and noted.
Chief Executive's ReportCE's report on management, operations and current issues.Discussed and noted.
Blue Green Grid Committee

Received a presentation on GSP's approach to blue-green grid advocacy and possible approaches and governance models for future activity.

Discussed how best to advocate for a long-term vision for quality parklands across Greater Sydney as required by the Greater Sydney Parklands Trust Act 2022. Determined that the establishment of a blue-green grid committee is currently not required at this stage to support this work.

Discussed and noted.
Community Engagement Report

Received an update on recent community engagement and consultation.

Discussed the key items and actions from each Community Trustee Board meeting and reviewed / discussed each meeting summary. Further noted and discussed learnings and feedback form the first round of face to face CTB meetings.

Noted that correspondence is being received by GSP and Board members directly from CTB members on various issues.  The Board noted the CTB mechanism is the preferred mechanism for these kinds of issues.

As the CTB's are still relatively new and settling into their work, the Board wants to ensure they are focused on their statutory role and not devoting time to purely operational issues. The Board anticipates that operational issues may be raised but will not be discussed as the primary focus of CTB meetings.

The Board discussed and noted the draft agendas for the next meetings. Noted meeting summaries and draft agendas are sent to CTB Chairs for feedback prior to finalising.

Discussed and noted.
Financial Sustainability ReportReview of report providing an overview of GSP financial performance, highlights, challenges, and financial sustainability initiatives.Discussed and noted.
Audit, Risk & Compliance Committee (ARCC) CharterReviewed, discussed, and approved the draft ARCC Charter.Discussed and approved.
Moore Park Landscape Projects Masterplan

Discussed on grass parking, current issues and community and stakeholder consultation.

Noted progress on delivery of the first stage of works as part of the Moore Park East Landscape Masterplan.

Discussed and noted.
Kippax Lake Field Redevelopment Moore ParkDiscussed and review of report seeking approval to award a construction contract for the Moore Park Kippax Lake Field Upgrade project.

Discussed and noted.

Approved engagement of recommended contractor.

Media CoverageSummary of recent GSP media coverage.Noted.
Commercial Leasing Status UpdateStatus update on commercial operations and leases (Commercial in Confidence).Noted.
WHS ReportUpdate on key material WHS and visitor safety matters relating to GSP operations.Discussed and noted.
Reconciliation Action PlanSummary of actions to date.Discussed and noted
Thursday 25 May 2023
Chief Executive’s ReportCE’s report on management, operations and current issues.Discussed and noted.
Climate Adaptation StrategyReceived a presentation on development of GSP’s Climate Adaptation Strategy.Discussed and noted with updates to be provided to a future board meeting.
Financial Sustainability Report / BudgetReview of report providing an overview of GSP financial performance, highlights, challenges, and financial sustainability initiatives. 

Review and approval of FY2023/24 Budget.
Discussed and noted. 

Discussed and approved.
Community Engagement & ConsultationReceived an update on recent Community Engagement including Community Trustee Board meetings. 

Discussed key items and actions from each Community Trustee Board meeting.
Discussed and noted.
DelegationsReceived an update on work completed to date and noted / approved draft delegations.Discussed and approved.
Gabrugul Yana (Western Ridges Walk)Received a presentation on planning and progress to date. Noted positive feedback from WSP Community Trustee Board on the project.Discussed and noted.
Media CoverageSummary of recent GSP media coverage.Noted.
Commercial Leasing Status UpdateStatus update on commercial operations and leases (Commercial in Confidence).Noted.
WHS ReportUpdate on key material WHS and visitor safety matters relating to GSP operations.Noted.
Reconciliation Action PlanSummary of actions to date.Noted.
Site VisitPrior to the Board meeting, the members of the Board visited Wistaria Gardens and Glengariff House for a briefing on safety issues, proposed works, tree health and other operational matters. 
Wednesday 26 April 2023
Chief Executive’s ReportCE’s report on management, operations and current issues.Discussed and noted.
GSP Brand UpdateReceived a presentation on the approved brand strategy, corporate style guide and proposed rollout.Discussed and noted.
GSP Corporate Plan / 5 Year PlansReceived a presentation on the Draft Corporate Plan and associated 5 year management plans.Discussed and noted with further feedback to be provided.
Financial Sustainability ReportReview of report providing an overview of GSP financial performance, highlights, challenges, and financial sustainability initiatives.Discussed and noted.
Parramatta North UpdateReceived a presentation on Wistaria Gardens and the Parramatta North precinct, including key partnerships with City of Parramatta and other NSW Government agencies.Discussed and noted.
Community Engagement ReportConsolidated overview of recent community engagement initiatives and outcomes across GSP.Noted.
Media CoverageSummary of recent GSP media coverage (February to April 2023).Noted.
Commercial Leasing Status UpdateStatus update on commercial operations and leases (Commercial in Confidence).Noted.
WHS ReportUpdate on key material WHS and visitor safety matters relating to GSP operations.Noted.
Thursday 16 February 2023
Corporate PlanTo seek feedback from the Board on the preparation of the draft Corporate Plan 2023-2028.Discussed and noted.
Financial Sustainability ReportReview of a report providing an overview of GSP financial performance, highlights, challenges, and financial sustainability initiatives.Discussed and noted.
Brand and Marketing UpdateNoted an update GSP’s 2023 marketing program.Discussed and noted.
Consultation and Engagement FrameworkUpdate on GSP revised draft Consultation and Engagement Framework, the appointment of community trustee boards, and community trustee board planning for 2023.Discussed and noted.
Draft GSPT Board CharterReview and approval of draft Greater Sydney Parklands Trust Board Charter.Noted and approved.
Callan Park Leasing ActivityUpdate on upcoming leasing activity at Callan Park.Noted.
Fairland Pavilion Draft Heads of AgreementReview and approval of Fairland Pavilion Heads of Agreement.Approved.
Remake of Centennial Park and Moore Park Trust (CPMPT) RegulationsUpdate on the review, staged repeal and remake program that is underway.Noted.
Centennial Homestead and Queens Park Café (AFL/ COVID relief)
  1. Approval of Agreement for Lease (AFL) Extension for Centennial Homestead.
  2. Approval of preparation of Deed of Variation to formalise the AFL extension as a final document.
  3. Approval of COVID19 rent relief package.
Community Engagement ReportConsolidated overview of recent community engagement initiatives and outcomes across GSP.Noted.
Media CoverageSummary of GSP media coverage between 9 December 2022 to 29 January 2023.Noted.
Commercial Leasing Status UpdateStatus update on commercial operations and leases (Commercial in Confidence).Noted.
WHS ReportUpdate on key material WHS and visitor safety matters relating to GSP operations.Noted.
Friday 9 December 2022
Safety ObservationA scheduled site safety observation was undertaken at Lizard Log dam to discuss GSP approach to dam and waterway management.Attended and noted.
WHS / Due Diligence RefresherDue Diligence Refresher and discussion on due diligence obligations of duty holders and core actions required.Participated and noted.
Reconciliation Action PlanOverview of draft GSP RAP. 
Discussed and provided feedback.
Noted and approved.
Consultation and Engagement FrameworkUpdate on draft framework and establishment of GSP Community Trustee Boards.Noted.
Moore Park East Landscape PlanUpdate on Draft Moore Park East Landscape Plan and consultation and engagement report.Noted and approved final document.
Community Engagement ReportConsolidated overview of recent community engagement initiatives and outcomes across GSP.Noted.
Media CoverageSummary of GSP media coverage between
2 September to 6 October 2022.
Commercial operations and leasesStatus update on commercial operations and leases (Commercial in Confidence).Noted.
2021/22 Financial Statements OverviewOverview of the full year close process of audited financial statements for
all GSP entities for the year ended 30 June 2022.
WHS ReportUpdate on key material WHS and visitor safety matters relating to GSP operations.Noted.
2023 Updated Board Meeting ScheduleProposed meeting dates in 2023.Noted.