Western Sydney Parklands environment
Western Sydney Parklands is a place for the community to connect with and enjoy the natural environment.
Western Sydney Parklands environment
Western Sydney Parklands helps to restore the balance between nature and urban development in western Sydney, which is home to more than 2 million people. An extra half a million new people are expected to move into western Sydney growth areas over the next 25 to 30 years.
We are working towards creating a 2,000-hectare bushland ‘corridor’ in Western Sydney Parklands that features remnant and regenerated bushland and wetland ecosystems. It will allow wildlife to move freely between habitats in the urban heart of western Sydney.
Now and into the future, the parklands is connecting generations of people with the natural environment.

Bush regeneration
To reach our goal of creating 2,000 hectares of bushland, we are investing $10 million between now and 2050. As the parklands currently contain 1,300 hectares of bush in varying condition, we are aiming to regenerate 33 hectares annually.
Some of our regeneration and re-vegetation work is done by experts and the rest involves the community.
TheBringing Back the Bush program teaches school students about the natural environment in a truly hands-on way as they help restore important habitats. Find out how your school can get involved.
We also partner with education and training providers and community organisations to deliver programs that help unemployed people and people with disability transition to work.
Experience our environment
To immerse yourself in the natural wonders of Western Sydney Parklands, explore our tracks and trails.
Western Sydney Parklands is home to many birds including native cockatoos, lorikeets, rosellas, parrots and more.
Birdwatching enthusiasts should head to Sugarloaf Ridge, Glendenning and the Binyang Matta trail and explore the parklands track through Plough and Harrow for the best views of our wildlife.
Download our guide to birdwatching.