The Fernhill Estate Landscape Master Plan to 2026 was adopted on February 17, 2023.
The landscape master plan outlines how we will sensitively open up the estate to visitors in a way that responds to and celebrates Fernhill Estate’s natural and cultural heritage. It delivers on the key moves defined in the Fernhill Estate Foundation Plan of Management to 2026.
We have worked with the Aboriginal community, key stakeholders and consultants Yerrabingin to co-design the master plan.
We will consult with the community on the design plans for each of the works outlined in this plan as it is implemented.
Master plan focus

To 2026, the master plan will focus on areas of the estate that will have the least impact on the heritage significance of the landscape. This means we can sensitively open up the estate while we complete the conservation management plan for the site.
The landscape master plan sets out to:
- transform Fernhill Estate's Northern Drive into a promenade and a key recreational space for people to walk and picnic close to the Hay Shed and Orchard
- restore the early colonial landscape setting around Fernhill House
- open up the Northern Dam as a meeting place and for water recreation
- establish Ngunyul, the 1 km Big Arc of Indigenous gardens that will stretch from Fernhill House to the Northern Dam
- develop new walking trails and connections into the Blue Mountains National Park
- create a new native farm gate for Indigenous food production in partnership with the Darug community
- create new and upgraded park entries – we are working with Transport for NSW to design safe and convenient access to Fernhill Estate
- develop a new park drive to connect people from the entrance to key recreational areas, and new pedestrian path networks so people can easily move around the estate
- create a new pedestrian and cycling entrance and nodal carpark at Littlefields Creek to better connect Fernhill Estate with Mulgoa Village
- creating a woodland playground near Mulgoa Public School and a safer pick-up and drop-off zone for parents and students, working in consultation with Transport for NSW.
Community consultation

The landscape master plan is a key action of the Fernhill Estate Foundation Plan of Management to 2026.
The draft master plan was open for community feedback from late 2021 to early 2022.
Read the public feedback What we heard (PDF, 2.5 MB) on the Fernhill Estate draft landscape master plan.
The following key themes emerged from the consultation:
- People would prefer to see low-impact recreation activities that are sensitive to the character and heritage of the estate.
- Access to and around the estate should be a key focus, including from and between Mulgoa Road, and people wanted new opportunities for walking and cycling.
- There was strong support to deliver the First Nations co-designed projects as a priority.
- The heritage of the estate is important and alive, especially Fernhill House, its cultural landscapes and the Aboriginal history.
- People want to see works that protect the natural environment, including the extensive bushlands and creeks and critical bird and animal habitats.
- There is a desire for appropriate re-use of existing buildings and structures such as the Hay Shed for small-scale commercial, social and community uses.
- Planning needs to consider the types of equestrian facilities and activities available for the community.
- People want to see a stronger connection between Fernhill Estate and Mulgoa village.
- The staged opening up of the estate should be informed by the final conservation management plan.