Filming and photography

Consider a Greater Sydney Parklands location for your next film or photography shoot. Our parks cover a range of geographical areas and offer a wide array of landscapes and features.

Unique spaces for filming and photography

Our parks provide a wide array of unique landscapes and stunning vistas for filming and photography.

We support the professional film and television sector, as outlined in the NSW film-friendly protocol.

We recognise film and television production is beneficial to our local economy and try to accommodate all reasonable requests for access to the great locations in across our parks.

Our main responsibility is to maintain access for park visitors and to protect the park’s natural environment, facilities and wildlife. 

Hours for filming and photography

Filming and photography are only permitted Monday to Friday (not on weekends or public holidays), and should be conducted during gate opening hours, which varies between parks. 

Contact us to request filming outside of the gate opening times.

How to apply

To apply for a commercial photography and filming permit at Parramatta Park and Western Sydney Parklands, follow these steps:


Allow a minimum of 10 business days for us to process your application.

Explore opportunities for filming and photography at Centennial Parklands on the separate website.

Wedding and special occasion photography

Our parks offer a variety of natural and built landscapes that make stunning locations for wedding photos and to capture other special moments.

All photography of this kind requires a permit and payment of a fee. You can do this through our quick and easy online booking system via the links below. 

Groom and bride photo in bushland
Greater Sydney Parklands logo
Centennial Parklands
Couple kissing in wedding photo
Greater Sydney Parklands logo
Parramatta Park
Cropped image of hands holding camera against newlywed couple celebrating with opening champagne bottle at park
Greater Sydney Parklands logo
Western Sydney Parklands