Contact us

Have an enquiry? See below for contact details and helpful information.

Couple walking their dogs in parkland

Contact information

For general enquiries, please contact Greater Sydney Parklands administration. For any matters about a particular park, please refer to the information provided.

Greater Sydney Parklands administration

Postal address: Locked Bag 15, Paddington, NSW 2021

Phone: (02) 9895 7500 

Email:[email protected] 

Media enquiries: [email protected] 

Callan Park

Phone: (02) 9339 6698  

Email: [email protected]

Security incidents: Callan Park Securityon0402 696 321. For NSW Police, contact Leichhardt Local Area Command on (02) 9552 8099 or the Police Assistance Line 131 444. 

Lost or unaccompanied dogs or incidents involving companion animals: (02) 9392 5000 or [email protected]  

Centennial, Moore and Queens parks

Phone: (02) 9339 6699 

Email: [email protected] 

24-hour ranger assistance: 0412 718 611

Wedding enquiries: Enquire about weddings at Centennial Parklands

Picnic sites: A range of picnic sites are available for booking

Outdoor public events: Apply to hold a major event at Centennial Parklands, or email [email protected] for more information.

Fernhill Estate

Phone: (02) 9895 7500  

Email: [email protected] 

Fernhill Estate is currently not open for general visitors or event bookings. We offer free pre-booked self-guided walking tours on Sundays.

Parramatta Park and Wistaria Gardens

Phone: (02) 9895 7599  

Email: [email protected] 

After hours and weekends: Parramatta Park ranger on 0419 122 763 (8.30am – 4pm) 
For help after the park gates close: Parramatta Park security: 1300 133 456 

Security incidents or to report malicious damage: Police Assistance Line 131 444 

Wedding enquiries: Enquire about weddings at Parramatta Park

Picnic shelters: A range of shelters are available for booking

Outdoor public events: Apply to hold a major event at Parramatta Park click, or email [email protected] for more information.

Western Sydney Parklands

Phone:  (02) 9895 7500  

Email:[email protected] 


After hours and weekends: Western Sydney Parklands ranger on 0459 883 834 (8am – 5pm) 
For help after the park gates close: Western Sydney Parklands security on 0412 927 284 

Security incidents or to report malicious damage: Police Assistance Line 131 444 

Wedding enquiries: Wedding photographers can apply for a specific wedding permit 

Picnic shelters: A range of shelters are available for booking  

Outdoor public events: Apply to hold a major event at Western Sydney Parklands, or email [email protected] for more information.

Family playing soccer in park

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