
This website is provided and maintained by the NSW Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure. This privacy statement sets out the department's practices relating to the privacy of your personal information. The department's privacy practices are regulated by the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 (NSW) (PPIP ACT), the department's Privacy Management Plan (PMP) (PDF, 1.28 MB) and the department’s data breach policy.

The department will only collect personal information for a lawful purpose which directly relates to our primary function as a NSW Government agency and for obtaining feedback about our services. The department will not collect any more information than is necessary for it to fulfil these functions.

The department will not disclose your personal information to anyone without your consent, unless legally required to do so.

Anyone engaged to collect, store or use personal information for the department will be required to comply with the PPIP Act and the department’s Privacy Management Plan.

Service NSW provides services to some customers of the department on our behalf including the National Parks and Wildlife Service and Crown land. This Privacy Statement along with the Privacy Management Plan applies whether services are provided directly by the department or by Service NSW.

Please note that the department does not have any responsibility for the privacy policies or practices of third party sites linked to this website.

Mandatory notification of data breach scheme – public notification register

The department complies with the mandatory notification of data breach scheme, which came into effect on 28 November 2023. Our procedures and practices for complying with our obligations under the scheme are set out in our data breach policy and privacy management plan.

Where a breach of privacy has occurred, and the matter has been assessed as likely to cause serious harm to any individual, the department must notify any affected individuals (an “eligible data breach”). Where notification is not possible or practical, a public notice must be published and publicised by the department. Any such public notices will also be listed on our website here.

There are currently no public notices of eligible data breaches by the department.




Online forms and services

Online transactions





If you feel there has been a breach of your privacy under the PPIP Act, you have the right to make a complaint to the department. For more information about your privacy rights, you can visit the Information and Privacy Commission.


More information

For more information about privacy at the department, please contact:

Information Access & Privacy Unit
Locked Bag 5022 Parramatta NSW 2124
Phone: 02 9860 1440