We provide 3 designated routes in the park for cross-country and walkathons. The routes have been developed to ensure participants don’t need to cross any internal roadways or high traffic areas. Compare the routes below to find the best option for your event.
- Option 1 - West Domain (PDF 3.08 MB)
- Option 2 - Crescent Views (PDF 3.01 MB)
- Option 3 - Government Farm (PDF 3.07 MB)
How to apply
The Parramatta Park cross-country and walkathon policy has detailed information about holding this type of event in Parramatta Park.
To hold your next cross-country or walkathon event in the park:
- download and complete a cross country/walkathon application form
- email your application to [email protected]
- attach all relevant paperwork, including a certificate of currency for public liability insurance.
Allow a minimum of 10 business days for us to assess your application.