Have your say - Callan Park Plan of Management

The NSW Government is developing a plan of management for Callan Park. The plan will support our efforts to conserve and enhance community, environment and heritage values of the park into the future.

An aerial view over Callan Park with the Kirkbride building in the foreground, and Sydney city skyline in the background.

We invite you to share your ideas for a plan of management for Callan Park, which will support our efforts to conserve and enhance community, environment and heritage values of the park into the future.

The plan of management will cover the entire park, including areas owned by both Greater Sydney Parklands and NSW Health. 

Consultation will be open until 11:59pm, Sunday 30 June 2024.

What is a plan of management?

A plan of management is a long-term strategic plan that creates a shared vision for the park, identifies special characteristics and values of the park, and outlines how the park will be managed in the future.

The plan will:

  • set a vision for Callan Park
  • identify special places and values of Callan Park
  • establish principles and strategic objectives to guide the management of Callan Park
  • provide a framework for ongoing management of Callan Park.

How to have your say

Tell us what you value about Callan Park and how you’d like to use the park now and in the future. Your feedback will help us draft a plan that reflects community values and preferences.





Saturday 15 June (cancelled due to wet weather)8am - 10amOrange Grove Markets, corner Perry Street and Balmain Road, Leichhardt
Saturday 15 June (cancelled due to wet weather)

11.30am – 1.30pm

Callan Park – Balmain Road Gate A entry

Sunday 23 June

10am – 12pm

Callan Park – East of Supply Road

Saturday 29 June

9am – 11am 

Callan Park – Waterfront Drive, opposite Waterfront Drive Sporting Ground

Frequently asked questions

Who owns and manages Callan Park?

Centennial Park and Moore Park Trust (CPMPT) owns and Greater Sydney Parklands manages 38 of the 61 hectares of Callan Park, including the waterfront and central park areas. NSW Health manages the remaining areas. Some small pockets of land along the waterfront are also owned by Transport for NSW.

Why does Callan Park require a plan of management?

In accordance with the Greater Sydney Parklands Trust Act 2022 (GSPT Act) Greater Sydney Parklands must have an approved plan of management for the whole Callan Park site (owned by both Greater Sydney Parklands and NSW Health) by 1 July 2025. There is no current plan of management in place. 

What is a plan of management?

It is a long-term strategic plan that creates a shared vision for the park, identifies special characteristics and values of the park, and outlines how the park will be managed in the future. 
The plan must include: 

  • information about the strategic direction for the management of the park  
  • the activities and uses of land permitted in the park 
  • the maximum amount of land to be used for each activity and use of land permitted in the park
  • principles that will be applied in deciding whether a proposed lease, licence or easement over land within the park is consistent with the objects of the GSPT Act. 
What is the process for creating and approving the plan of management?

The plan of management must be developed with appropriate stakeholder and community consultation in accordance with the Greater Sydney Parklands Consultation and Engagement Framework. A draft plan of management will be placed on public exhibition once developed for community and stakeholder feedback. The final plan is approved by the Minister for Planning and Public Spaces.

What is the difference between the plan of management and the Callan Park Landscape Structure Plan?

The Callan Park Landscape Structure Plan (LSP) was approved in 2021 following extensive community consultation. The LSP is not required by legislation and only applies to the land managed by Greater Sydney Parklands. The LSP will be considered in the development of the plan of management.

How will implementation of the plan of management be funded?

The plan of management will provide a framework for how Callan Park is managed into the future. It will reflect community values and priorities and provide focus for future funding applications over time. 

What is the timeframe for implementing the plan of management?

There is no specific timeframe for implementing the plan of management. However, the plan must be reviewed every 7 years.